Activities and news from the Scientific Area of Expertise (WKF) "Research on Education and Schooling"
Under the umbrella of the Scientific Area of Expertise (WKF) "Research on Education and Schooling", its members carry out a variety of projects with partners from within and outside the WKF. News about the various activities resulting from this work, such as project progress and completion, publications, events and lectures, can be found here.
Tuesdays for Education on 9.4. on the topic of school well-being

Edited volume of the 7th Dortmund Symposium published

Prof. Dr. Silvia-Iris Beutel visited the German School Nairobi

IFS represented with numerous contributions at the 11th GEBF in Potsdam

NEPS stage 5 successfully launched at the IFS

Nele McElvany speaks in the Family Affairs Committee of the German Bundestag

Tuesdays for Education 12.03. "School resources and priorities"

Project launched to promote reading with the help of artificial intelligence

International exchange on Stereotype Threat with the Université Grenoble Alpes