Activities and news from the Scientific Area of Expertise (WKF) "Research on Education and Schooling"
Under the umbrella of the Scientific Area of Expertise (WKF) "Research on Education and Schooling", its members carry out a variety of projects with partners from within and outside the WKF. News about the various activities resulting from this work, such as project progress and completion, publications, events and lectures, can be found here.
Reading is easier when it's fun

Tuesdays for Education on May 14 on the topic of linguistic diversity

Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) 2026 started

IFS Lecture Series on May 2 with Professor Meng-Jung Tsai

Social sciences workshop for early career researchers at IFS

Report of the Aktionsrat Bildung – Education and social cohesion

Nele McElvany in The Economist on the German school system

Lecture Series with Prof. Dr. Sauro Civitillo

Current IFS research presented at AERA in Philadelphia, USA