Activities and news from the Scientific Area of Expertise (WKF) "Research on Education and Schooling"
Under the umbrella of the Scientific Area of Expertise (WKF) "Research on Education and Schooling", its members carry out a variety of projects with partners from within and outside the WKF. News about the various activities resulting from this work, such as project progress and completion, publications, events and lectures, can be found here.
New publication: Lernen und Leistungsbeurteilung

New publication Jahrbuch Demokratiepädagogik & Demokratiebildung

Research Center Agile PAIR with IFS participation opened

NEPS Stage 4 – IFS and LIfBi extend successful cooperation

IFS at didacta 2025: Artificial intelligence promotes reading skills

Interview with S.I. Beutel at didacta on democracy and education

IFS presented numerous contributions at the GEBF in Mannheim

Innovative teaching: “Pausenhof” podcast

Successful VKS on “Multilingualism in the family and classroom”