Activities and news from the Scientific Area of Expertise (WKF) "Research on Education and Schooling"
Under the umbrella of the Scientific Area of Expertise (WKF) "Research on Education and Schooling", its members carry out a variety of projects with partners from within and outside the WKF. News about the various activities resulting from this work, such as project progress and completion, publications, events and lectures, can be found here.
Dr. Sonnenburg is awarded 1st place in the IDEAward 2023 teaching prize

PISA report underlines PIRLS results: Strengthening basic skills

IFS Alumni Meeting – Focus on career paths

NRW State Teaching Award 2023 – Special prize for "Teaching and learning in teams"

International exchange on self-regulated learning

6th volume of the "IFS Educational Dialogues" series published

IFS on the nationwide reading day at WDR Morgenecho

Professor Nele McElvany gives input lecture at parliamentary breakfast

Nationwide funding program "Freiraum"