Pedagogical diagnostics - a contribution to the democratization of schools

New publication: Beutel, S.-I. & Ruberg, C. (2024). Pedagogical diagnostics - contribution to the democratization of schools. In C. Schreiner, G. Schauer & C. Kraler (Eds.), Pedagogical diagnostics and teacher education. Educational science and didactic perspectives (pp. 57–66). Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt.
In the first part of the recently published anthology with fundamental contributions on pedagogical diagnostics, the IADS is represented with a contribution by Prof. Dr. Silvia-Iris Beutel and Dr. Christiane Ruberg on pedagogical diagnostics as a contribution to the democratization of schools.
Educational diagnostics is detective work in the education system. It is currently developing into a central element in concepts of learning support as well as in models of evidence-based school and lesson development, regional quality development and educational monitoring.
This expands the concept of diagnostic expertise, especially for teachers and teacher training. Part 1 of the newly published volume contains contributions on fundamental considerations on pedagogical diagnostics and its links with teacher education.
The second part discusses thematic fields of application from the areas of schools, teacher training and further education as well as at system level.