Inga ten Hagen: Former IFS doctoral student successfully defends dissertation
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With a thesis on "lntraindividual motivational heterogeneity in the classroom – interplay of teachers' and learners' motivations in the context of interaction and mutual perception in the classroom", Inga ten Hagen was successfully awarded her PhD on March 14, 2023 as part of her dissertation defense. In her work in psychology, the former doctoral student of AG Lauermann investigated potential causes and consequences of intraindividual variability in teachers' motivational beliefs about teaching different learners as well as variability in learners' motivational beliefs across different school subjects. A focus of the research was on the interrelationships of teachers' and learners' motivational beliefs through reciprocal perceptions in the classroom. Overall, the findings underscore the relevance of subject- and learner-specific captures of motivations for a better understanding of motivational processes in the teaching-learning context.
The IFS congratulates warmly on this achievement!