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IFS expertise on reasons for leaving school without qualifications

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Kinder laufen auf dem Schulhof weg von der Kamera © AdobeStock​/​Robert

The IFS contributed its expertise to the event "The NEPS - Educational pathways of young people without school-leaving qualifications".

Professor Nele McElvany and Dr. Alyssa Grecu shared their expertise at the event "The National Educational Panel Study (NEPS) – educational pathways of young people without a school-leaving certificate" on June 27, 2024, in a presentation and a moderated discussion. Three presentations examined the causes and consequences of leaving school without a school-leaving certificate using NEPS data as well as prevention and intervention possibilities. The National Educational Panel Study (NEPS) is the largest long-term educational study in Germany and offers extraordinary potential in analyzing the development of competencies and educational trajectories of learners. State Secretary Dr. Dorit Stenke (Schleswig-Holstein) invited participants to the event in order to discuss this important topic with the heads of office and stakeholders in education administration.