Successful conclusion of the IFS Lecture Series on 7 July
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In the lecture series on July 7 on the topic “What do digital behavioral traces from learning management systems reveal about our self-regulation in learning? Insights into empirical data from the university context”, Dr. Luise von Keyserlingk presented results from the IFS cooperation project with the UCI-MUST project at the University of California, Irvine and discussed them in terms of innovative analysis approaches. To this end, she presented results from her study on the use of digital behavioral traces from learning management systems. The study examined how click activities from large introductory lectures (e.g., in biology) can be used to identify adaptive student learning activities over the course of a semester. Student learning activities decreased over the course of the semester, subject to large fluctuations before and after midterm exams. The results illustrate that continuous and regular learning activities were particularly relevant to achievement success. In the second part of the lecture series, Dr. Alexander Munteanu from the Department of Statistics at TU Dortmund University discussed how digital behavioral traces of students can be analyzed using innovative analysis methods such as polygon curves and with various statistical distance measures. These innovative analysis methods can be used to model prototypical trajectories of learning behavior with the goal of identifying factors that support student learning success.
We would like to thank all participants for the successful conclusion of the event series in this summer semester!