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Project launched to promote reading with the help of artificial intelligence

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Foto von zwei Kindern beim Lesen am Tablet ©​/​Marta Wave

The “Lese-KI:DS” project, a cooperation between the Center for Research on Education and School Development, Goethe University Frankfurt and the Vodafone Foundation, aims to improve students' reading skills through a reading training programme using AI-generated texts. The following questions, among others, are being investigated: Do children who learn with AI-generated and personalised texts show better developmental trajectories in terms of their reading motivation, reading self-concept, reading fluency and reading competence than children who read non-personalised texts? Do children who learn with AI-generated and personalised texts find it easier to complete the reading training tasks than children who read non-personalised texts? As part of the project, students go through the reading training programme with evidence-based components to promote reading, but can determine the content of the texts themselves. Part of the project is a randomised control group study to investigate the effectiveness of the programme.