IFS Lecture Series with Professor Gary Pollock on June 6
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We welcomed Professor Dr Gary Pollock from Manchester Metropolitan University as our guest for the penultimate session of this summer term's IFS lecture series on 6 June. He is researching topics such as children's well-being, educational performance, and young people’s civic and political engagement. Methodologically, he focuses primarily on longitudinal studies and sequential analyses.
In his lecture "Measuring Child Wellbeing in a Longitudinal Comparative International Survey: How Growing Up in Digital Europe Has Addressed the Challenges", Professor Pollock gave detailed insights into the project GUIDE, one of the largest social science research projects in Europe. The project will investigate the development of young people’s well-being, placing a special focus on the ongoing digitalisation and its consequences. Up to the year 2053, participants in at least 20 European states will be periodically surveyed throughout their childhood, adolescence, and into young adulthood in order tocomprehensively investigate the development of young people’s well-being in digitalised Europe.
This semester's IFS lecture series revolves around the overarching theme “Thriving in the digital world: How to foster student skills and well-being”, offering participants engaging talks by (inter)national experts.
We would like to extend our gratitude to Professor Pollock for his insightful contribution and to all participants for the inspiring exchange!