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IFS in conversation with BAYERN 2

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Portätfoto von Dr. Ulrich Ludewig vor grauen Hintergrund auf der linken Seite und auf der rechten Seite Foto des BR mit weißen Schriftzug "Radio Reportage" und einer Person in Anzug mit Hörhorn am Ohr © IFS​/​TU Dortmund und BR

In elementary school, learning to read is one of the most important skills children acquire. However, as some studies have shown, many children have greater deficits in learning to read, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic. Dr. Ulrich Ludewig therefore spoke to Bayern 2 about the special evaluation "On the state of vocabulary and reading behavior among fourth graders in Germany" (German), emphasizing both the influences of digital media and systematic support for students with reading difficulties. For example, children who regularly read books, and thus longer texts, have on average a larger vocabulary than those who more frequently read shorter texts on digital devices. In addition, more attention should be paid to those children who already have problems even reaching the minimum standards in reading. A system would have to be found that identifies children who have problems with reading and then provides them with systematic support. According to Ludewig, this could be done, for example, by using all-day schooling to give these children the opportunity to catch up. The podcast episode, in which other scientists and teachers also have their say, is available on the BR Podcast.