TU Dortmund supports study on the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic on the reading skills of fourth graders in Europe within the framework of the Young Academy
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The IFS is pleased about the project funding of the TU Dortmund Young Academy for Ulrich Ludewig, postdoc in the AG McElvany. The faculty also congratulates on this success, after all, young scientists are one of its central pillars. It appreciates Ulrich Ludewig's efforts in independently acquiring and leading a research project such as "TRIPOD - TRends In european Primary educatiOn reaDing". The project is dedicated to a groundbreaking study analyzing trends in the reading competencies of fourth graders in Europe over a 20-year period. Data from PIRLS (Progress in International Reading Literacy Study) will be used to make a cross-national comparison. The main goal of the project is to examine the relationships between primary education measures taken, observed trends in reading literacy, and the composition of the student population across European Union (EU) countries. Through this comprehensive analysis, it is hoped that insights will be gained that will allow for a better understanding of the impact of policy measures on students' competencies.
The Young Academy supports doctoral researchers in the qualification phase in building up a research profile with strong third-party funding. With the successful acquisition of internal project funding, Ulrich Ludewig is now a member of the TU Dortmund Young Academy and, as such, has the opportunity to participate in a wide range of workshops, among other things.
The TU Dortmund Young Academy offers its members a variety of support opportunities, including internal project funding, a prestigious research award, and an exclusive program of events. Membership in the Young Academy is obtained either by successfully obtaining internal project funding or by being awarded the Young Academy Research Prize. Members have access to this exclusive offering for a period of up to six years.