Read Aloud Day: Nele McElvany discusses "How well do our children read?" with Karin Prien and Jörg Maas at Cornelsen Impulse
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On the occasion of the nationwide Reading Aloud Day on November 18, Nele McElvany discussed the topic of "How well do our children read?" and the question of what needs to change in the education system with Karin Prien, Minister of Education in Schleswig-Holstein and KMK President, and Dr. Jörg F. Maas, Chief Executive Officer of Stiftung Lesen. In her keynote speech, she presented on the one hand the results of the IFS school panel study, which showed that reading literacy has decreased among fourth graders compared to IGLU results from 2016. On the other hand, she emphasized that, among other things, early support, systematic skills development in the first years of primary school, and language development are essential to enable all children, regardless of their social background, to acquire the key skill of reading. Reading is the basis for further learning inside and outside school, for education and training, employment, everyday life, social participation and a self-determined life - so the earlier you start with support, for example by reading aloud, the better. The discussion in full length can be found on Youtube.