Project completion "LL-digital"
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The BMBF-funded project "Digital Media in Learning and Performance Situations - Focus on Reading Competence and Vocabulary" was successfully completed on November 30, 2022, after a project duration of three and a half years. The project investigated how digital media are used in the area of reading in elementary schools. Both learning and performance situations were explored. For learning situations, interviews with teachers revealed that digital media in the elementary school classroom can have a positive effect on students' motivation. Access to and reliability of devices as well as a lack of technical equipment were seen as hurdles. Furthermore, a reading literacy test on paper and on the computer was used to investigate the impact of digital media on the testing experience of students in the fourth grade. Again, it was shown that testing on digital media led to increased reading motivation, although the increased reading motivation did not persist over the long term. Test anxiety or cognitive load did not differ between on-screen and paper testing. The research results on cognitive load are already available in open access.