IFS presents latest research results at EARLI and JURE in Greece
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At the 20th EARLI conference, which will take place in Thessaloniki from August 22 to 26, staff members from the IFS working groups will present their latest research results, for example in the form of lectures at symposia. On the occasion of the conference theme "Education as a Hope in Uncertain Times", the variety of topics covers a wide range, from symposia on "Determinants of school success for immigrant children" to "Current reading research" and "Self-regulation in young learners". Other focal points include "Teachers' assessments and students' educational success" and "Stereotype threat". In addition, other individual presentations by Institute members enrich the IFS presence at the EARLI conference. The large, international conference is preceded by JURE, which is explicitly aimed at young researchers. IFS is also represented there with a poster on the topic of self-directed learning strategies.
We wish all participants an inspiring conference full of new insights!