IFS at NEPS annual meeting and master plan meeting
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At the annual meeting of the National Educational Panel Study (NEPS) at the Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories (LIfBi) in Bamberg on February 19, 2024, Professor Nele McElvany was elected Chair of the NEPS Network Committee for a three-year term. The Network Committee advises on current and medium-term issues relating to NEPS research and service work.
During the annual meeting, Professor Michael Becker also introduced himself to the members as the new scientific director of stage 5 of the panel study, "Upper secondary school and transitions to higher education, vocational training and the labor market".
The aim of the National Educational Panel Study (NEPS) is to collect data for long-term research into educational processes and skills development in Germany in order to investigate changes over the life course and between cohorts. The Center for Research on Education and School Development (IFS) is one of the NEPS network partners and is responsible for stage 4 "Pathways through lower secondary level and transitions to upper secondary level" and the above-mentioned stage 5 of the panel study.
Following the annual meeting, the NEPS master plan meeting is also currently taking place over several days, at which the participating researchers within the network coordinate the survey content for the upcoming surveys. For the IFS, Professor Nele McElvany, Professor Michael Becker, Dr. Alyssa Grecu and Dr. Pascal Alscher are taking part in the planning meeting, in which content such as well-being, civic literacy and school alienation (stage 4) and questions such as preparation and pathways through upper secondary school, science propaedeutics and epistemic beliefs (stage 5) are being discussed.