Focus on conditions for success for early language support in schools
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The second network meeting of the SPEAK project (SPrachliche Bildung gemeinsam mit GrundschulEn, FAmilien und pädagogischen Fachkräfte gestalten) focused on the exchange between science and practice. At the meeting on August 30, participating teachers and principals from the current survey cohorts and IFS project representatives discussed the importance of early language support and the conditions for successful transfer into school practice.
Institute director Prof. Dr. Nele McElvany opened the network meeting with a presentation on the relevance of vocabulary for elementary school students and the potential of specific intervention measures. In a short project presentation, the IFS project team discussed how the research findings are implemented in the project. Alexandra Dors, a teacher at Max-Wiethoff-Schule in Herne and participant in the first cohort of the “SPEAK” study, then shared her experiences and the opportunities her class has gained from participating in the project. The second part of the working meeting focused on transfer for school practice. The teachers and the project team discussed the conditions for success and challenges associated with transfer, as well as strategies for sustaining the SPEAK intervention in the elementary schools after the project ends.
We would like to thank the participating teachers and principals for their participation and stimulating discussions!