Effective promotion of reading skills: lesekids.schule is online!
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The LeseKI:DS project sponsored by the Vodafone Foundation recently celebrated the launch of the ‘lesekids.schule’ website. The project uses a combination of artificial intelligence and digital stories to sustainably improve children's reading skills. As part of the launch, onboarding took place for 14 committed pioneer teachers, who will now be the first to test the potential of the programme in their classes.
The LeseKI:DS support programme offers personalised reading lessons with six different texts, the course and topics of which the children can help shape their own course. The website also makes it possible to generate stories with different levels of difficulty so that children with different reading levels can receive individualised support.
Interested teachers can now register for the programme on the lesekids.schule website and also benefit from the many opportunities to promote their pupils' reading skills.
Link to the website: www.lesekids.schule