7th IFS-Education Dialogue on "Promoting Linguistic Competencies as a Basis for Greater Educational Equity"
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On September 28, representatives from educational policy, administration, practice and research gathered at the 7th IFS-Education Dialogue to discuss "Promoting Linguistic Competencies as a Basis for More Educational Equity". In an overview lecture, Professor Nadine Spörer from the University of Potsdam first introduced the conference topic. Within the framework of three main topics "Promotion of vocabulary", "Promotion of digital reading" and "Promotion of grammar/syntax", the possibilities and limits of promoting linguistic competencies for more educational equity were explored. After the short presentations from science and practice, the main topics were discussed in detail with the plenum. Professor Jörg Jost from the University of Cologne introduced the panel discussion with his input lecture "Implementation und Transfer von Sprach- bzw. Lesefördermaßnahmen" ("Implementation and Transfer of Language and Reading Promotion Measures"), in the context of which representatives from science, politics and practice classified the opportunities and challenges discussed in the course of the conference from their respective perspectives.
We thank all participants for the stimulating exchange!