Activities and news from the Scientific Area of Expertise (WKF) "Research on Education and Schooling"
Under the umbrella of the Scientific Area of Expertise (WKF) "Research on Education and Schooling", its members carry out a variety of projects with partners from within and outside the WKF. News about the various activities resulting from this work, such as project progress and completion, publications, events and lectures, can be found here.
Last milestone meeting for PIRLS 2021 in Amsterdam

The Longitudinal Development of Students' Well-Being in Adolescence: The Role of Perceived Teacher Autonomy Support

Promotion of Young Researchers at IFS: Doctoral Conference on January 25

IFS Virtual Keynote Series with Jutta Heckhausen and Kaspar Burger

Successful launch of the IFS Virtual Keynote Series 2023

New journal article in Current Psychology published

Project completion "LL-digital"

Yearbook of School Development on the topic of "Multiperspectivity of Teaching Processes" published

Read Aloud Day: Nele McElvany discusses "How well do our children read?" with Karin Prien and Jörg Maas at Cornelsen Impulse